10 Jan Harnessing the Power of Public Relations

In a recent TV segment on Fox 5 San Diego, c3 Communications, Inc. (c3) secured, we had Heather Lake not only take a tour of the innovative OHM Fitness Studio, but she also tried it out firsthand. This isn’t just any fitness studio; it utilizes EMS technology to really up a workout and lessen the time it takes. Watch it HERE

The OHM Fitness Difference

OHM Fitness isn’t your typical sweat session. Imagine reaping the benefits of a 2-hour workout in just 25 minutes. And that is exactly what it does. It’s redefining industry standards and creating a buzz among fitness enthusiasts.

Behind the Scenes

Danielle Conklin, the owner of OHM Fitness Studio explains the technology and the unique benefits of the EMS Technology workout. It was a rare peek behind the curtain of a fitness studio that’s doing things differently.

The Power of Public Relations

The segment was more than just a showcase of OHM Fitness Studio. c3 crafted talking points and messaging that effectively highlighted the unique selling points of OHM Fitness Studio, reinforcing the importance of public relations in shaping public perception, awareness and education which is one of the toughest things to do for any client.

Why Choose c3 for Your Public Relations Needs

Looking to boost your public image, educate the public, or just get your name/brand out there, this segment subtly hints at why you should consider partnering with a seasoned firm like c3. After all, in today’s competitive market, effective public relations can be the difference between blending in and standing out. And as OHM Fitness Studio shows, standing out is worth every minute. Contact us TODAY